Bruce Dickinson was interviewed by site Vorterix and talked about the future of Iron Maiden, the choice of songs on tour and on the care of your voice. Check out some excerpts.

On the plans for a new Iron Maiden album Bruce says: "Well, I can assure you, we will make another album. When we do, so I can not tell you," admits the singer, who also confirms that already started writing material for the 16th Maiden album: "In fact I've written a lot of things. You know, we're all writing small pieces all the time. Lets see what happens."

The band has been touring the world for the past two years with the Maiden England Tour, which revisited the classic album tour Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son. Asked whether or not they will do something similar with the material 90's, Dickinson is a little uncertain.

"We have not decided on that yet. Lets see what happens next year. But yeah, I do not think the Maiden fans will get frustrated for a long time."

Bruce also says he misses singing some songs from Powerslave album (despite two of them being in Maiden England Tour) and even older songs, such as Children of the Damned and Revelations. At this point the interview Bruce says the Maiden still have a lot of touring ahead!

In contrast to bands like Guns N 'Roses, Metallica, Mötley Crüe and Kiss, Iron Maiden always ran image of "bad boys" and over at parties and stuff. Dickinson says that this was not a conscious decision.

"No, it's just how we are, really. I mean, I'm not saying that no one in the band smoked pot when he was younger. Most of the boys have probably tried smoking pot. Most of the boys have probably tried some other things I never tried.

The reason we started the Maiden, the reason why all became musicians, it was because we wanted to be musicians, not to become addicts. We like beer and beer is one of the things we like. We drank beer and drank some wine and too much coffee. And that's it, we're just trying to have some fun. "

In contrast to most other rockers his age, Dickinson is still able to sing loudly as it does on songs like Aces High and Run To The Hills as it did decades ago. How he kept his voice steady and strong through all these years?

"It's like a kind of guitar you want to learn more about your instrument. Want to know how it sounds, how to take care of him. The only thing you can not do with the voice, is to put new strings on it."

The singer says "The voice is very subtle and changes with age, as it matures, your body changes and all those things have an influence on his voice.'s Like a kind of instrument of wood, wood is more old, develops a tone and you will have subtle changes.

The lead singer of Iron Maiden highlights the importance of taking care of your voice when something is wrong. He estimated that cleared only somewhere around 25 shows on more than 35 year career, but the cancellations were important: "This can be the difference between keeping my voice or not to keep my voice. I never took steroids or these tablets terrible. If my voice is so bad I can not sing without those things, so I should not be singing. "

Dickinson says you have to be very professional when it comes to dealing with a cold occasional:"If I'm sick with a cold, I can get through this. If I'm really sick with laryngitis and bronchitis or something, it is best to follow the doctor's advice.'s better to cancel three shows and have your voice be excellent for the next 300. "

Bruce is even interested in developing your skill as a singer "I kind of have my own style now. Then, I seek to do different things with my voice. I'm still trying to do things I did when I was 23. But I can do things now that I could not do when I was 23. So, I'm looking for ways on how to do different things with my voice. Presenting different tones as they get older, it's great to be able to do these things with her voice, she is more rounded and deeper.

Watch the full interview
